Question: So who's this Lanthan guy? Tell us in short about the real person behind the nickname.
Lanthan: It´s not really exciting to be honest. I´m 31 years old and working as an IT-Manager but trying to change that in the near future. I don´t have a family so nothing is distracting me when it comes down to gaming. I´m the try and error guy... tired a lot of things in my life but nothing worked out really well
Question: Explain your online handle, what does it mean? why did you choose it? do you use any other alias? How long have you had it?
Lanthan: Actually it´s simple but still makes me laugh to hear native English speakers trying to pronounce it. They can´t decide how they wanna pronounce the TH. But the name itself goes back to the times when I was studying chemistry back in the year 2000. I joined the darkjedi organisation which is a multigaming roof organistation. Anyway I needed a name and I was dealing with Lanthan in the laboratory. And since the element is as boring as I am it was pretty obvious to use it as my alias. I think I never used another alias than that. As you all know the more the community knows you the harder it is to change the name. Not that I would have a better idea right now.
Question: How long have you been in AGW and how did you find us?
Lanthan: I joined AGW right around the German prerelease of the game. Which must be around 1 1/2 years now. I was playing in FFTF before and enjoyed the people there a lot and it was a lot of fun playing in the Project Reality campaigns we had there. I was aware that there is the AGW sister organistation focusing on ArmA but I didn´t enjoy ArmA I that much so I just followed what was going on there. But once ArmA2 got released I was aboard and looking forward to the very first campaign. Especially because the FFTF tournament slowly died around that time as well.
Question: How long have you been involved with gaming in general?
Lanthan: Puh... I´d say almost forever. I think it was somewhen in primary school when two of my friends got Schneider CPCs. We got hooked up by this and played a lot of Harrier Command
Slowly other friends got 386 PCs and the games got better and better. My first own PC was a 486 DX 40 and I had to safe the cash for quite a while. I also had a gameboy and the things you have as a kid.
Question: Which current AGW member have you known the longest?
Lanthan: Thinking about it it must be Ed and Blisstick... basically the guys who are left over from FFTF. Firefox was there too but didn´t play in the campaigns I´ve played. Not to forget Adsy. I was HCO under his command in an FFTF campaign and then here in campaign one as well. After I found myself beeing HCO in C1 people like Purple and Ulster showed up.
Question: Tell us a little about your gaming rig?
Lanthan: I bought it when Arma 2 was released. I had to be able to play this game so I´ve got myself:
I7 920
8GB Ram
and a GTX 280. Still works fine. The only thing that sucks a bit is vista.
Question: What are games you play currently? List your top 5 favorite games with a short explanation of why they are your favorites.
Lanthan: I can´t give you 5 I only play 3 games.
So here are my top 3:
1st: ArmA2 CO... obviously for the thrill you can get there. It is just a great game with endless opportunities and the tournament makes it even better.
2nd: Napoleon: Total War. I always liked Rome: Total War and I bought the game of the year edition of Empire and Napoleon last monday. The battlefields are simply amazing.
3rd: R.U.S.E. Yes another strat game. I think it is well done and something different though not a lot of missions.
Question: What other hobbies do you partake in?
Lanthan: Lately not that much. But I like to read, cook, photography, hiking, airsoft operations and playing hockey though this is incredibly exhausting.
Question: Describe a perfect game night/day?
Lanthan: A good battle on sunday. Besides that hanging around on our TS server and having a nice pubbing session with some guys and a couple of beers.
Question: Do you see yourself gaming when you are 75 years old?
Lanthan: If I´m still able to see and move my fingers definitly yes.
Question: Do you have a favorite AGW moment? Tell us about it.
Lanthan: I think battle 1 & 2 this campaign. I was so super nervous because I was afraid that we will get our asses kicked big time and that would have been a very bad thing for the motivation of the army. Not speaking about a loss I was very worried we might get sweeped. So with that nervousness seeing things work out pretty well by having a real competition going on was a real high. I remember others had the same feeling which made it even better.
Question: Anything else you would like to add?
Lanthan: I hope we can keep the excitement of this campaign going on for a little longer. Would be great if we can keep it close until the end and then hopefully we will come up with an exciting C5.
Both teams and Generals make a great job this campaign!
Thank you very much for your time Lanthan, on behalf of the media team.